Friday 13 October 2017

Shawn Aoki: Fun Ways to Stay Fit

Shawn Aoki is a famous traveler who has traveled across the globe. Now, Shawn Aoki sharing his views on the topic fun ways to stay fit. Read his article to stay fit and healthy.
Shawn Aoki
-          Look for a dance, aerobics, or boxing class you can take at your local community center (or yes, maybe at your gym). These are very fun for many people because they are upbeat, social, and often involve music, which can be very motivating. The mental challenge of learning new moves and steps often detracts from how challenging the cardio workout is as well, which makes it a great alternative to running.
-          Get a group of friends or co-workers together to play a game of your favorite sport. This could be football, soccer, basketball, hockey – whatever you want. This is a great way to work out, because often you’ll be so focused on winning the game and having fun with your teammates that you won’t realize just how much you’ve been running and jumping. You’ll also use short bursts of energy instead of having to keep going consistently for longer periods of time. In addition to being a great workout, you’ll get to spend time with your friends doing something fun. If you don’t have any friends who enjoy the same sports that you do, you could also join a local group that plays for fun.
-          Invest in a fitness tracker that counts your steps. This is a fun way to challenge yourself and be more aware of your health, and you can even make it a little competition by competing with other people in your life who have a fitness tracker as well. Set a step goal for yourself for the day or the week, and soon you’ll find yourself walking everywhere and burning tons of calories! This is also great for the environment, because you won’t be using your car as often.
-          Get out and enjoy nature, particularly if you live in a place with great scenery. A hike or a bike ride probably won’t even feel much like exercise because you’ll be taking in the pretty trees, mountains, or other aspects of the area. However, you’ll quickly tone up your body and increase your metabolism by burning calories. This is also a fun way to interact with your family and friends.
Shawn Aoki is committed to staying fit and healthy, read his tips and stay fit

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